When summer is here, it can be unbearable outside, but the indoor air conditioning in your home can feel like a great respite from the heat. If you are wondering how to make your air conditioner more energy-efficient so it works better and saves you money, our team has several tips for you to focus on.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance for your AC is crucial to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency. When you schedule routine care, our technicians will thoroughly inspect and service your air conditioning system to keep it running smoothly.

During the maintenance visit, our technicians will perform a series of essential tasks to enhance your AC’s efficiency. One key aspect of maintenance is cleaning the internal components of the system. Over time, dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate inside the AC, hindering airflow and reducing its cooling capacity. By cleaning the evaporator coils, condenser coils, and other vital parts, we ensure that the AC can function optimally and cool your home more efficiently.

Additionally, our technicians will inspect and lubricate moving parts, such as motors and fans. Proper lubrication reduces friction and wear, leading to smoother operation and increased energy efficiency. Neglecting lubrication can result in unnecessary strain on the system, leading to higher energy bills and potential breakdowns.

We will also check and calibrate your thermostat to ensure it accurately senses and maintains the desired temperature. A properly calibrated thermostat helps prevent energy waste and ensures your AC runs at the right intervals, providing comfort without unnecessary cooling.

If any issues or potential problems are detected during our maintenance process, our technicians will promptly inform you and discuss the best course of action, which can be taken care of through a quick AC repair or a scheduled replacement.

Upgrade to a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat is a powerful tool that significantly enhances the energy efficiency of your air conditioning system. By allowing you to create personalized cooling schedules, it ensures that your AC operates at optimal levels when needed and reduces unnecessary energy consumption when you don’t require as much cooling.

Clean or Replace Air Filters

It is essential to clean or replace the air filters for your air conditioner regularly. Clogged or dirty HVAC filters can impede airflow through your system. This means it has to work harder to keep your home comfortable, which may increase your energy bills. Experts suggest that you replace air filters at least every three months. However, you may have to switch them out more often if your cooling system runs a lot during the dog days of summer. These filters also partly determine how good your home’s indoor air quality is. Clean filters allow you to get all the benefits of filtered air along with cool air from your air conditioner.

Check Your Insulation

During scorching summers, your insulation prevents external heat from seeping into your living spaces. You can hire a professional to conduct a thorough insulation inspection of your home. They will identify areas with inadequate insulation, such as attics, walls, and crawl spaces. They may advise an upgrade to higher R-value materials to enhance thermal resistance. An upgrade will mean that your air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, leading to reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills.

Take Advantage of Ceiling Fans

Using ceiling fans along with your cooling system is a great way to reduce your energy consumption. You should set your fan to rotate in a counterclockwise direction. This creates a downward breeze that produces a wind chill effect, making you feel cooler without changing the actual room temperature. The breeze increases water evaporation from your skin which helps to dissipate body heat, making you feel cooler. Using ceiling fans correctly lets you raise your thermostat setting without sacrificing comfort. The perceived cooling effect can make a room feel 4-6 degrees cooler, potentially saving on cooling costs.

Contact the HVAC Professionals

At Of Course! Heating and Cooling, we have been serving the residents of Calimesa, California for over 50 years. We install, maintain and repair heating and cooling systems. In addition, we provide indoor air quality services and can add HVAC zoning to your home. We would also like to invite you to join our Care Club maintenance program. Members receive two tune-ups a year, 15% off repairs, and a discount on equipment replacements. Contact Of Course! Heating and Cooling for more information today!

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